WebInáč, VÁŠ pohľad na web!


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Do you want to have your website still under control?

The content managment system WebInac, the fastest way to maintain a content of your website still actual.

You will get all necessery information on the WEB by 3 steps and by yourself.

It is so easy.

  1. create a new document in an enviroment similar to Word
  2. name the document
  3. save and it is immediately on the web

And all this for unbelievable 450 Eur monthly.

LOGO WebInas.sk

www.Inac.sk simply Better look at web.

Posledná úprava: 05.Jan.2021 10:01:56 
Stránku generuje redakčný systém - WebInac CMS prevádzkovaný serverom www.Inac.sk
(C) 2005 Inac.sk - Všetky práva vyhradené. webhosting by Inac.sk